
Password or Username

In the event that you forget your password or your username, do NOT create a new account. Simply follow these steps to reset your password.

Click on the icon to the right reset your password or username.

Instructions for Resetting Your Password

Step 1: If you have forgotten your password you can select the "Forgot Password?" link to have an email sent to you that will walk you through the password reset process.

Step 2: You will receive an email with a link to click that will allow you to reset your password. The email will only be sent during business hours so if it is a weekend, holiday or after hours, you will not receive it until the next business day. 

Step 3: Once you have reset your password, you may need to close and reopen the log in page before you can login. 

If you do not receive an email, you will need to contact Central Registration at 229-724-5256, Option 1 or send an email to

Instructions for Resetting Your Username

Step 1: If you have forgotten your username you can select the "Forgot Username?" link to have an email sent to you containing your username. 

Step 2: You will NOT create a new username. All usernames associated with the email address entered will be listed in the email, similar to this email.

If you do not receive an email, or if you need any assistance, please contact Central Registration at 229-724-5256, Option 1 or send an email to

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Early CountyElementary School
Early CountyMiddle School
Early CountyHigh School
Early CountySchool System
Early CountySchool System
Early CountySchool System

11927 Columbia Street  ~  Blakely, Georgia 39823  ~  Phone: (229)723-4337  ~  Fax: (229)723-8183